How Often Should You Clean Your Grill? Do You Know?

The barbecue is over, it’s time for us to clean everything up so that they return to their original position. Even your grill! It’s time to clean them up and get them back to their original state!

However, how often should you clean your grill? This question makes many people wonder? And if you don’t clean them thoroughly, what can happen?

We are here to provide you with the answer, as well as to advise you on how to clean your grill regularly.

Get started right now!

Cleaning your grill

Cleaning your grill

What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Grill?

When you don’t clean the grill regularly, there’s a good chance that dirt, grease, coal, or other cancerous precursors will collect on the grill.

After your grill is exposed to steam, mold will appear. And cooking on moldy grills like these will ruin your health. That’s the reason it’s so important to keep your grill clean.

How Often Should You Clean Your Grill

There are two answers for our reference right below:

  • After each use, we should clean the grill immediately
  • Every 6 months, we will clean the grill periodically.

In this section, we will show you the reasons why you need to clean the grill like that. As well as, the pros and cons of this way of cleaning will also be a useful source of information for us to refer to!

After Each Use

None of us can argue that the grill should be cleaned immediately after each use. The reason is certainly clear, right!

Cleaning immediately after use is a prerequisite to keep yourself a good and durable grill over time. All the dirt after being removed on the grill will prevent your grill from getting moldy. And a good grill must always not be moldy at any cost!

Moreover, cleaning the grill like this also creates a good habit for you. That habit is the discipline of hygiene. You are not only confident to cook delicious food. But you are also confident to be a good housewife who can take care of and take care of all the cooking utensils for the family.

How to effectively clean your grill?

How to effectively clean your grill?

Every 6 Months

Cleaning every six months is a routine. Because any object after being used over time has certain changes. You should not neglect this hygiene!

There are two reasons to explain this.

Firstly, can you rely on this cleaning to re-evaluate the quality of the grill if it is still good or not? If we look at the external changes in the appearance of the grill, we can see the degree of deterioration of the latitude.

Specifically, if the outside of the grill is still intact and dry, the grill is still good. But if the grill has mold on the grill, you probably need to clean the surface urgently.

Thus, it is possible that, during your storage, there was the presence of moisture leading to a moldy grill. You just need to adjust the storage or clean the grill again!

Second, such periodic cleaning can help you regulate the purchase of kitchenware in the house. Sounds absurd right?

But in fact, every six months, when you clean the grill, you will know if your grill is still durable or not. From here, you will make your next decision.

If it’s still good, we shouldn’t buy more. On the contrary, you can buy an extra one for your water parties already, right?

Super Effective Home Cooker Cleaning Recipe

Cleaning the grill is not as easy as we think. But it’s not as scary as we think. So, instead of sitting sad or hiring a cleaner to come, you can clean your grill yourself with these basic but super effective steps:

  • Prepare professional clean equipment: What we need includes soda, soap, and rags. Of course, you should also prepare a small knife and small sharp object to scrape the dirt on the grill (if necessary).
  • Burn it over high heat: You need to burn the grill to a high temperature above 140 degrees F and hold it for at least 1 minute. Note and the higher the temperature, the better the effect of killing mold.
  • Soak it in a cleaning solution: The next step after burning the grill is to put it in a pre-prepared cleaning solution. You can both soak and scrub to clean your grill faster.
  • Use vacuum: The use of a vacuum will eliminate the maximum amount of mold on the surface of the grill.
  • Remove everything by rubbing: You use a sharp object or small knife that you have prepared in advance to remove everything. At the same time, you should also rub several times to ensure your grill is in the cleanest state.
  • Wash and clean: After completing the above steps, you need to wash and wipe again. Of course, you must take care to remove any residue on the grill during this cleaning.
  • Burn it once: This is the last but not the least important step. Let’s burn it again to ensure the cleanest grill.

The simple way to clean the grill at home – did you know it?

The simple way to clean the grill at home – did you know it?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Should you hire someone to clean your grill?

Depends on your needs and capabilities. Reality shows that each person has his/her own way of feeling and attitude towards cleaning and maintaining their kitchen tools. So, whether you rent or wash it yourself is not as important as how you maintain your grill.

2. What temperature setting is appropriate for cleaning?

The ideal mold killing temperature is above 140 degrees F. You maintain the high temperature for the first minute to make sure any mold and residue on your grill is completely gone.

3. How to maintain the grill after cleaning?

Dry them completely before putting them in the storage box. As only steam and moisture remain on the grill surface, it is more likely that they will become moldy during storage.


Thus, how often you should clean the grill has been answered. What you’ve been waiting for has probably been solved, isn’t it!

But again, we need to remember how important it is to clean the grill to remind ourselves to constantly take care of them more. That way, you can not only own a good grill but also make more delicious grilled dishes with this grill.

Wish you success for the first time, thank you for your interest in the article!

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